All season long we have been spending Tuesday evenings at my brother's house watching American Idol in his "theatre room" (complete with 105" projection TV screen and incredible surround sound.) We would have dinner while AI recorded on the DVR. Then we'd settle and got comfy. It was almost like being in the theatre itself. Everyone appeared almost lifesize. We had a friendly pool going among a few people and we all had our favorites. My brother and sister-in-law bemoaned Carly Smithson's exit, and I pouted when Jason Castro went.
This week we changed the plans and had a big American Idol Winner party with most of the pool participants (except Aimee...but she was invited!) We had burgers and dogs on the grill, potato salad, baked beans, chips, and all the makings of a summer picnic. The weather was absolutely perfect and the atmosphere was electric.
Around 800, we finally settled in to watch the 2 hour finale. It was fun to see the Top 12 again and relive the season. The guest performers were great...Seal, Donna Sommer, ZZ Top, George Michael. LOVED the Guitar Hero commercials done Risky Business style...David Cook definitely won that competition!
Finally, it's the end of the show. David C and David A stood together on the stage. David C, who seemed like a big brother to David A, had his arm around David A's shoulder, almost like he had to hold onto him so neither of them fell over. They both looked so nervous, so anxious, so apprehensive. Even among our party participants you could feel the tension. The envelope was brought out and certified that the voting had been the highest in the history of the show...over 97 million votes!! (I cast 20 of those.) Ryan Seacreast opened the envelope, looked at the two Davids, and said "The Winner of American Idol Season 7 Is........"
Yes, the recording ended!! There was a moment of silence in the room and then we all, in one voice, screamed "NO!" We had no idea who won and no chance to see the final performance! Diane ran upstairs to see if the recording she was making on a TV upstairs had recorded the end only to discover that that, too, had stopped at the same point. (DAMN COMCAST!!) So, Diane then RAN to the office where she got on the internet. There was a V-E-R-Y L-O-N-G period of anticipation before she yelled "DAVID COOK!" Then there was more celebrating!
So much drama!! We have decided that Mike's tombstone is going to say "And TheWinner Is..."
Anyway, here is the finale: